KFPL Kids' Birthday Book Club

Green cartoon dinosaur laying flat on his belly holding a gift box

Hey parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, brothers, sisters, friends...well, EVERYBODY! Want to get that special child in your life a birthday gift that will be super cool and lasting? How about purchasing a book dedicated in their name to be added to the Kinsman Free Public Library's collection! It's simple to do!

  1. First, click here to be directed to the amazon wish list that Miss Dianne, KFPL's Children's Librarian, has created.
  2. Next, select a book or books from the titles listed on the wish list that you would like to dedicate to your special child and follow the steps to purchase the book(s) through Amazon. Please be sure to indicate that you would like the book(s) to be shipped directly to the Kinsman Free Public Library when finalizing your purchase. 
  3. Lastly, AND IMPORTANTLY...fill out the online KFPL Birthday Book Club Registration form below and submit. This step is crucial because it is how Library staff is notified when books have been ordered. Once we receive the book(s), it will be processed and added to our collection with a nameplate honoring the child and the donor. The child you are honoring will be notified by mail and will have the option to be the first person permitted to check-out the book if he/she wishes!
Title(s) of book(s) purchased
(i.e., Grandma Rose, Rose Smith, Roy and Rose Smith, Grammy & Pappi, etc.)

Source URL: https://www.kinsmanlibrary.org/birthdayclub